

The RAA Scholarship Foundation is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization, which makes all donations tax-deductible.

Established in 2019, the purpose of the foundation is to support RAA’s scholarship program, which provides financial assistance to students pursuing careers in aviation. The RAA Scholarship program is an important element of our regional airline community’s commitment to expanding and diversifying our future workforce.

One of RAA’s paramount goals is to encourage future generations to pursue aviation while helping to offset the financial burden placed on students during their education and training. Unfortunately, the cost of aviation education presents an often insurmountable barrier to young people hoping to access education careers.

RAA wants to thank everyone who has supported the scholarship foundation since its inception and whose support has helped cover at least one full scholarship. Over the past year, our donors’ generosity helped us raise a total of $14,986 for our foundation. We would like to recognize Zachary Hall (AvAir), Envoy Air , and CommuteAir for their significant contributions of $4,000 or more, which fully funded an entire award towards this program. In previous years, CommuteAir and Horizon Air have been top-tier sponsors donating $4,000 or more to support RAA’s Scholarship Foundation program. Moreover, in the past three years, CommuteAir’s contributions have successfully supported the program towards fully funding at least one scholarship.

Your tax-deductible gift to the RAA scholarship foundation will allow you to play a meaningful role in our community, by empowering more young people to access transformational aviation careers. Learn more about past scholarship recipients below, and click the link to make your gift today.

Meet Our 2024 Scholarship Winners

Maddie Glassett

Tarrant County College/University of Texas


Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University


Auburn University

Leo Lam

Spartan College

Application for 2024 is now closed. For more information, click here.

Donor recognition Circle

We would like to recognize those top-tier donors whose contributions of $4,000 or more have helped for empower at least one scholarship.

  • CommuteAir
  • Envoy Air
  • Horizon Air
  • Zachary Hall
  • Bill Whyte
  • Faye Malarkey Black